Visitors are very important to our residents, and a well-planned visit can be rewarding for both of you. Generations at Applewood believes in the importance of family and friends. We maintain an open-door policy that is effective 365 days a year, including holidays and weekends. Our primary hours are 9am–7pm, but guests may visit at any time. If our residents are meeting visitors outside of normal hours, we ask that a courtesy acknowledgement be given to the staff. The buildings are secured for resident safety and privacy after 9pm so invited family and guests are encouraged to contact staff to make late evening visit arrangements.
Family and friends are welcome to participate in all community activities and events. We encourage guests to spend time with residents at any time of day or night so you never have to plan around “visiting hours.”
We encourage visitors to plan an activity such as working on a photo album, writing letters, playing cards or a game, or eating a meal together. Families and friends are also encouraged to take their loved ones out for dinner, entertainment, or even a day-trip if the resident is physically able.
Prior to bringing cherished pets to the facility for a visit, please check with staff on community guidelines.
For tips on creating a terrific visit with an elderly loved one, see “Visiting a Loved One in a Nursing Home.”